Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Madman

There was a knock on the madman’s door. “We’re here to search your home,” they said to the madman. “Do you have a warrant?” said the madman. “If you have nothing to hide then you should let us search your home,” they said as they entered. The madman went to his wife to explain what was going on. The madman’s wife was much disturbed as her guns were seized. The madman ran into the street, “Where’s the fourth amendment? I seek a second amendment.” An old man in a rocker stopped rocking and said, “We have no amendments,” and resumed rocking. “Get in the car,” said a man securing the homeland. “The Homeland, das Vaterland,” thought the madman as he got in the car. “What’s the problem?” inquired the madman. “We have no problem,” answered the securer. The madman was made to wear and orange jumpsuit and thrown into a small cell. “Where’s my council? I seek council,” the madman wailed. “We have no council,” claimed a voice that the madman could not identify. The madman was drug into a room and made to look into a light. “Of what amendments did you speak,” boomed a voice.
“The amendments in the bill of rights of the Constitution,” explained the madman.
“To which constitution do you refer?”
“To the American Constitution, I seek America, I seek America”
“America is dead, America remains dead, and we have killed her.”

The madman sat naked on a concrete floor, slowly manufacturing orange strips of cloth. “I did not kill her, but we did,” he thought. The madman was briefly sane.

You have permission to copy this as long as you cite the author Daniel Tobas and this blog.

Texas libertarians made it!!

The Texas libertarians made their fund raising goal!! We are late publishing this week due to illness. Our next post will be more morbid than usual.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Texas libertarians need your help!!!

The Libertarian Party of Texas needs your help! Only less than $12K needs to be raised by February 28 to keep Wes Benedict as executive director. The Libertarian Party of Texas saw major gains this past November 2006 election. In fact Texas had many libertarians on the ballot which is not only good for electing libertarians it's good advertising. Texas loosing Wes Benedict would be a major set back. Click here to help.


This is a new blog that will cover issues such as:

1) Civil rights
2) Police abuse of power
3) Liberty issues
4) Free market fun

We will discus issues that relate to the Libertarian party, and the Free State Project in New Hampshire. The news on this blog will be about the gaining, or the loosing of American freedoms.