Thursday, April 5, 2007

I'd rather be black

I don't like the warring red,
or the blue that won't let me pay for a hospital bed.
I might like the post Nixon gold,
but I don't think I'll ever know,
unless you let me be,

I don't know much about eastern red,
but I know I don't want it stamped on my head.
The only way that I see,
that this can never be forced upon me,
is if all of us are allowed to be,

I'm not a fan of the Christian white,
and I'm not pink but I support their fight.
I might be a little green,
but I don't have time to explain what I mean.
For now I just rather be,

I have no ill intentions, no ill will.
I'm just expressing how I feel.
I'm just simply pleading,
that you will hear me,
and simply let me be,

I'm intrigued by the Spanish red and black,
but I don't know if I agree with that.
Please remove me from what you require,
and I'll be able to inquire.
For now I just simply want to be,

Remove me from your voting, get out of my life.
Let me see what your colors are like,
If I like them than I just might,
join you if I think you're right.
Till then I request to be,

I think we need,
to consider what we see,
because although I've never met a purple man,
it seems to be the law of my land.